Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Positive Thinking!

Well today I am joining Jenn, over in Rowdy in First Grade in being positive and thinking positive! After a week of fighting and then down right battling a cold, throat and now bronchial something, I was feeling blue, tired and ready to pull the sheets over my head. I read Jenn's blog and thought, " Now is that anyway for you to act?!" "What is good about today...think Lib", I said to my brain! And so I thought and you know what I could had a lot to be positive about today.

First, I have an amazing family who make me laugh and just want to be alive!
My sister, my neice, one of my daughters and  I acting nuts

My sisters and I cleaning up after Easter dinner

Second, I have an awesome best friend who always checks up on me and we share the most interesting adventures, like sitting all night on the George Washington Bridge on our way to Boston or trying to out run tornadoes in North Carolina on our way to Farmville, Va.

My best friend, Robin and I
Third, the day was sunny and bright and  because I was sick I got to sleep past O' dark thirty!
Fourth, I teach at a wonderful school with a wonderful team!

My team after we won Palmetto's Finest
Fifth, I had coffee this morning and breakfast and it was peaceful and quiet and I was not in a hurry. MMMMHMMM!
Sixth, I am going to see my little wonders tomorrow and we WILL SING AND DANCE!


Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you joined the linky party! Love your positives. I have an amazing team too. Love them! I'm sorry you were sick today, but I'm oh so jealous that you had coffee and breakfast (got to taste and enjoy breakfast) in peace!

Rowdy in First Grade

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